In a non-emergency situation, call or text the Postpartum Support International HelpLine at 800-944-4773. You never need a diagnosis to ask for help.

Help Me Feed is a nonprofit committed to improving global breastfeeding rates by providing accessible resources and support for parents and healthcare providers, with educational materials in 28 languages. 

Education for expectant parents who want to breastfeed

Call or text the HRSA 24/7 National Maternal Mental Health Hotline at 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) to receive immediate 24/7 support from trained and licensed mental health providers. 

Evidence-based info on breastfeeding & parenting

The American Academy of Pediatrics 

A non-profit organization dedicated to supporting families and communities in safeguarding children from injuries 

Allergen-free breastfeeding support

La leche League Breastfeeding Advocacy

Education and support for individuals and their families about cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities

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